Monday, September 14, 2009

Philosophy on Spiritual and Mental Health: The Thesis

For I thought that the first Step towards satisfying the several Enquiries, the Mind of Man was apt to run into, was, to take a Survey of our own Understandings, examine our own Powers, and see to what Things they were adapted. Till that was done, I suspected that we began at the wrong end, and in vain sought for Satisfaction in a quiet and secure Possession of Truths, that most concern'd us whilst we let loose our Thoughts into the vast Ocean of Being, as if all the boundless Extent, were the natural and undoubted Possessions of our Understandings, wherein there was nothing that escaped its Decisions, or that escaped its Comprehension. Thus Men, extending their Enquiries beyond their Capacities, and letting their Thoughts wander into those depths where they can find no sure Footing; ‘tis no Wonder, that they raise Questions and multiply Disputes, which never coming to any clear Resolution, are proper to only continue and increase their Doubts, and to confirm them at last in a perfect Skepticism. Wheras were the Capacities of our Understanding well considered, the Extent of our Knowledge once discovered, and the Horizon found, which sets the boundary between the enlightened and the dark Parts of Things; between what is and what is not comprehensible by us, Men would perhaps with less scruple acquiesce in the avow'd Ignorance of the one; and employ their Thoughts and Discourse, with more Advantage and Satisfaction in the other. (I.1.7., p. 47)

Meet With:

Diets of Spires:
Spires was the scene of four diets during the Reformation period. In 1526 Charles V was anxious to enforce the Edict of Worms, but the political situation in Europe forced him to concur in the resolution of the diet: "Each one is to rule and act as he hopes to answer to God and his Imperial Majesty." This decision opened the door for the spread of Lutheranism and divided Germany religiously. In 1529 Chalres V felt he was powerful enough to crush Lutheranism. In the diet of this year he accordingly cancelled the resolutions of 1526 and commanded strict enforcement of the Edict of Worms by the Estates. On April 19 the Lutherans protested in these words: "In matters concerning God's honor and the salvation of souls each one must for himself stand before God and give account." From this protest at Spires all Protestants take their name.
In two other diets at Spires Charles V was once more obliged to make concessions to get Lutheran help against the Turk (1542) and against France (1544). His victory over the latter enabled him to turn against the Lutherans and crush them at Muehlberg in 1547.


"In matters concerning God's honor and the salvation of souls each one must for himself stand before God and give account."
"Each one is to rule and act as he hopes to answer to God and his Imperial Majesty."
--Charles V (Diets of the Spires)

Basic Philosophical, Spiritual and Mental Security and Satisfaction found in Possession by Truth in Understanding.
Cleanliness in these fields derived from knowing good and judging with that impression.
Consistency of thought and Clarity of Behavior through an active and conscious Account. Using a clever narrative.
Using the power of acceptable thought, and kind purposeful suggestion, the development of a universe wherein love flourished.
Thinking becomes a series of calculated, self-directed questionings based on what you would eventually understand, your ultimate design.
Meditation in a calm demeanor and a cessation of unnecessary future through patience and hope, reliance on a sure temptation in inspiration, initially.
A state of existence created due to the experience of unnatural occurance, sometimes unexplainable although often cured and sensible, as the beginning of unevil invention. As is, not unlike a human birth.
In unsure moments within the mind, outside of knowledge, where stimuli surpasses comprehension, rest in solitude, and know better.
Beyond the capacity of the individual sits the ability of your beloved Master, to fill and shape the lives of those in whom you believe. In turn they may fill, and let shape you. This will keep you here.

Good and evil come from within our hearts; our knowledge prevents us from tempting ourself. The spirit of God comes to us in certainty, as our aid, that we may judge and examine. The mate of these two will be perfection at the end of time.

Everybody already knows everything. If you ever do get asked an actual question, be careful what you admit to knowing.

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